Open Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:00
Window Shop: 101 Linus Allain Ave
Door Shop: 35 Linus Allain Ave
(866) - 416 - 3916

Projection Windows

Projection windows can dramatically change the look and feel of any room. Bay and Bow windows can make a room feel more spacious and provide a focal point around which a room may be decorated or furnished.

A bay window has openings, available in angled projections. The window's overall structure consists of a picture window with two other windows, usually smaller, on either side referred to as flankers. A bow window extends beyond the exterior wall, but sweep away from the wall in a graceful arch of four, five or six windows. Bow windows are typically wider than bay windows.

SWS Bay and Bow windows feature insulated seat boards and integral cable support systems, all standard. All of our Bay and Bow windows are made to order. Please call or see a salesperson for a quote.

Click here to view our options for projection windows

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