Open Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:00
Window Shop: 101 Linus Allain Ave
Door Shop: 35 Linus Allain Ave
(866) - 416 - 3916

Interior Doors

Hinge Finish

Interior Casing Options

Interior Jamb Options

Interior Doors act as the compliment to the Exterior Door, and they also enhance the personality and style of your home. They even act as the compliment or accent piece to your home's decor. The Door Shop at Specialty Wholesale Supply offers a wide selection of Interior Doors, in a wide variety of sizes, colors and woods. They also offer a full line of Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF) and molded doors. From single doors, double doors, French doors, sliders, bifold and pocket doors, the choices are endless and the choice is yours! There are also a number of jamb and hardware options to completely customize the door to match your style. Our Interior Door Gallery allows you to experiment with different options including, material, color, panels and more.

© Specialty Wholesale Supply 2020