Open Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:00
Window Shop: 101 Linus Allain Ave
Door Shop: 35 Linus Allain Ave
(866) - 416 - 3916


Railing Profile

The Pro Z-Series Railing Kit offers the exceptional benefit of our Bracket System. A sturdy attachment providing you with the security of knowing your railing is attached with a metal-to-metal connection on both top and bottom rails. It's a no paint, no stain alternative to traditional pressure treated wood or composite railing and the perfect addition for your porch, patio and deck rail needs.


PVC Brackets, CCRR Compliant Railing, Commercial and Residential Options, Exceeded 1000 Lbs Load Test, Aluminum Reinforced Rails

Available in 4', 6', 8' in 10' Sections, Available in 4', 6',8' Stair Sections, Available in 36" and 42" Heights
Railing size is center to center of posts. Rails will be shorter.

The picture to the left contains the dimensions used by all of our models even though only Trustin is displayed.

© Specialty Wholesale Supply 2020